Fall Metaphors

It’s raining outside. The rain is cold and sharp. A type of rain that New England conjures up in early fall to remind its residents that, yes, summer is over. It’s not a subtle message. And just as quickly as I close up the windows and shun my sandals for toe-imprisoning shoes, New England will summon another sparkling, warm day. It’s just a tease, not a promissory note.

I sat down to write this today with the intent to reflect and meditate on the summer. After getting back from another weekend trip, I wanted to capture some of the stray moments. I wanted to commit them to memory so that I might savor them on a winter day.

But my mind is really spiraling right now.

The trip was great – full of activity and fun and friends. We indulged on great food, eye-popping sights and long, leisurely mornings lingering over coffee. So, I feel like my buzzy head is complaining about an embarrassment of riches and bucking against a predicament of my own making. But, I’ve been out of town for the last five of eight weekends and during the intermittent weeks, I was playing a shell game with a daily ‘To Do’ list.

I am feeling crazed.

There is a sensation that I am behind on things, but I can’t pinpoint what exactly those things are. I am unable get above the fray for a survey of the land because I am just taking things as they arrive and allowing actions to be dictated by my calendar or my inbox or the thing right in front of me. It didn’t help that I spent days glued to a television or radio, shouting my incredulity. Knowing for the sake of my own health and wellness, I should look away. But being constantly drawn back to it, like being surrounded by in quicksand and unable to take a step without getting sucked in.

I feel like I am moving along breathlessly- getting stuff done that was lined up weeks and months ago. Knocking off the urgent things that press me into action at a moments notice. Yet, the important stuff , the memorable moments, the mental keepsakes keep passing by like scenes outside the train window. I catch a snapshot of something interesting and try to tuck it into a ‘remember that’ slot of my head but the train just keeps plowing forward.

I can’t get my focus back.

My brain is so dodgy and flighty that when I try to write something more, I immediately get distracted with other stuff. Thoughts are like flies buzzing around. I either swat them away or, if I try to pin one down and catch it (or squash it), it just buzzes away too fast for my slow brain.

I dunno, I just can’t find the right metaphor.

Perhaps it is the rain.

Happy cooking, happy fall.


  • Read this, and looked out the window. Layers of grey in the pre-dawn sky, clouds rushing on the north wind. That’s the way this trip is going. Like your image of scenes through the train window, the clouds don’t slow down to be savored or meditated upon. They are on their own agenda. So that’s what I’m doing – savoring and meditating on clouds rushing by. And lunch half a day away!


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